The Cultural Negotiator
We welcome a guest today - Mark Davis, the Cultural Negotiator.
Learn How Difficult Conversations Unlock Successful Digital, Agile, Devops and Lean Transformations
We welcome a guest today - Mark Davis, the Cultural Negotiator.
What we're doing these days is not "remote working"—we have people ill, kids at home, and no option to work from a cafe.
Switching to remote working means big shifts in the communication patterns of our teams, and the tools we use to do that make some things harder and others easier—they have different "affordances".
Active Listening is very useful for normal conversations and meetings, but even more valuable when everyone's remote.
The Cynefin framework gives you a way to categorize known and unknown information and figure out how to approach and change your work appropriately.
When a client tells Squirrel "of course there are no releases on Fridays", it's a red rag to a bull.
Our emotions powerfully influence our behavior, especially when we aren’t aware of them.
Following up from last week, we propose some ways to become emotionally aware, which we argue again is a key skill for success in an agile team.
Making change at Parts Unlimited, and how landing your project is like landing a plane
Delivering a project is a lot like landing an airplane
Illustrate your meaning with a powerful analogy
When you have only one product manager for twenty devs, should you hire more engineers?