MVP Cubed
Squirrel relates the story of a client who refined their MVP past the point of any remaining business value. He and Jeffrey reflect on the meaning of "viable."
Learn How Difficult Conversations Unlock Successful Digital, Agile, Devops and Lean Transformations
Squirrel relates the story of a client who refined their MVP past the point of any remaining business value. He and Jeffrey reflect on the meaning of "viable."
Squirrel and Jeffrey meditate on Brian Marick's public conclusion that he can no longer contribute to the discussion of agile development.
Dragan returns to discuss the value of small batch sizes, and how to apply this idea beyond release frequency.
Dragan Stepanović joins us to discuss emotions as system signals, why intervening at the emotional level has less value, and why you should get back on the horse.
We're joined again by Jim Euchner to discuss experimentation from a position of stabiltiy to avoid self-cannibalisation.
We're joined by Jim Euchner to discuss how and why big companies resist experimentation.
Matt Parker returns to discuss specific examples and practices of radical collaboration.
Matt Parker joins us to discuss how organisations are achieving success with autonomy and devolution.
We continue from last week with how to pay off technical debt.
We discuss how to help a listener whose team has a mountain of work, and how to delete a 5-year backlog.
We draw lessons from unlikely sources on creating a culture that favours innovation and inquiry.
When your team misses a sprint goal or lets down a stakeholder you may feel guilty—but we recommend grief as a more effective alternative.