Blog - page 3

Learn How Difficult Conversations Unlock Successful Digital, Agile, Devops and Lean Transformations

Bench Sweeps

Bench Sweeps

Your niggling worries and minor observations are "bench sweeps", valuable dust that are worth refining into gold.

Immediacy and Frequency

Immediacy and Frequency

Know what users think of your software as soon as it's done - the secret is immediacy and frequency.

Agility Across Departments

Agility Across Departments

Today on Troubleshooting Agile, we answer a listener’s question on how to get disparate teams co-operating on a shared objective - and how to get them sharing bad news!

Negative Space

Negative Space

Is your tech team choosing safety by doing everything, or do you dump more than you do?

Real Results

Real Results

Don't let your engineers outsource risk by settling for a list of tasks, instead give them real business-meaningful targets and permission to fail.

© Douglas Squirrel and Jeffrey Fredrick. All rights reserved.