Blog - page 5

Learn How Difficult Conversations Unlock Successful Digital, Agile, Devops and Lean Transformations

Coaching on Strength, Part 1

Coaching on Strength, Part 1

An article by Atul Gawande inspires us to reflect on why you might need a coach for things you are already good at.

Imperfect Indicators

Imperfect Indicators

We discuss how to set "imperfect indicators" to measure your progress—or lack thereof!

When Software is Done

When Software is Done

We reflect on when software can be used without further development and how "software doneness" affects processes and measurements.

Organizing for Outcomes, with Jon Smart

Organizing for Outcomes, with Jon Smart

Join Jeffrey and guest Jon Smart as he explains the link between the outcomes we're getting and how we organize, and how we can get better outcomes.

Estimates - A Productive Argument, Part I

Estimates - A Productive Argument, Part I

Inspired by our productive disagreement last week, we discuss the beneftis and perils of estimates, particularly if they become known outside the team.

© Douglas Squirrel and Jeffrey Fredrick. All rights reserved.