Be Your Own Devil's Advocate
You can be your own "devil's advocate" to boost the quality of what you produce, listen to learn how and why to be self-critical.
Learn How Difficult Conversations Unlock Successful Digital, Agile, Devops and Lean Transformations
You can be your own "devil's advocate" to boost the quality of what you produce, listen to learn how and why to be self-critical.
Be curious, learn what the market really needs, jettison "products" holding you back, and keep the right customers delighted!
Listen to find out why you should aim to bring new software to the market every day and how not to be Silicon Valley Bank!
We learn to spot a type of person on your team - someone who isn't competent, but sounds like they are!
We take a closer look at how to be helpfully demanding and how to identify removable discomfort.
We discuss abduction of the non-alien variety and how you can apply the principles of Wordle to improve your outcomes.
We are joined by Russell and Ken again to ask if you are wearing a Viking helmet, sun hat or graduate cap.
We are joined by Russell and Ken of the "I Need to F-ing Talk To You" podcast and discuss their Forum Theatre for Business methods.
Join us to find out how you can use improvisation to benefit your business, and why Squirrel would prefer to travel to Mars in a starship, not a rocket.
An article by Atul Gawande inspires us to reflect on why you might need a coach for things you are already good at.
We discuss how to set "imperfect indicators" to measure your progress—or lack thereof!
We reflect on when software can be used without further development and how "software doneness" affects processes and measurements.